Arebus Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Arebus is a security and privacy product & service company. We take that responsibility seriously. Data you provide Arebus for any purpose is considered private if it can be reasonably used to identify you, such as name, phone number or credit card information.

In addition to this Privacy Policy, we provide terms of use and privacy information embedded in our products and certain features that ask to use your personal data. This product-specific information can be found accompanied with each Product.

Information you provide

Account Information.
When you register for an Arebus account, we must collect certain information to properly interact with you, bill, and support you in the use of our Products & Services. This information is securely stored on our servers for the sole purpose of contacting you and providing our Products & Services and is never sold.

Technical Data. Arebus Services may need to temporarily hold certain technical data on its servers for properly interacting with you during use, for example a phone number for sending you an out-of-band authentication code. Other technical data stored on our servers includes randomly generated tokens, network addresses, and other material that is necessary to provide end-to-end encryption Services. Arebus limits this additional information to the minimum required to operate the Services.

User Support. If you contact Arebus User Support, any personal data you may share with us is kept only for the purposes of researching the issue and contacting you.

Managing your information. You can manage your personal information within account settings. For example, you can update your profile information or emergency access security phrase. If you wish to obtain a copy of personal data that is not currently available, you can make a request at

If you choose to close your account, you may request your data be destroyed. Note that there may be situations where we cannot fully grant your request. For example, if Arebus is legally required to retain certain information. Other reasons your privacy request may not be granted are if it jeopardizes the privacy of others or is frivolous.

Information we may share

Third Parties. We work with third parties to provide some of our Services. For example, our Third-Party Providers send a verification code to your phone number when you register for our Services. These providers are bound by their Privacy Policies to safeguard that information. If you use other Third-Party Services like iMessage, Messenger, etc. in connection with our Services, their Terms and Privacy Policies govern your use of those services.

Other instances where Arebus may need to share your data

We will update this privacy policy as needed so that it is current, accurate, and as clear as possible. Your continued use of our Services confirms your acceptance of our updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us
If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at Attn: Privacy Arebus, LLC 15 Stone Road, Arlington, MA 02474. USA

Updated as of August 1, 2023